Charity Update 8/2020

Read how Philaminar 3D Printing, LLC has been giving back over the past 7 months.

I take my responsibility toward the community very seriously. I have received countless blessings in my life and it is only fit that I share those blessings with those in need. All around us, we can see the effects of disease, poverty, climate change, and discrimination. These ills are not new, but their effects have been especially pronounced in 2020. I am privileged- I have been relatively untouched by these woes. Others do not share this privilege. I will continue to advocate for those that do face these trials. I will bring attention to their causes. I will support with those that need an ally and a friend. I will donate to organizations that fight to protect those that need protection.

You may have seen this phrase in the product descriptions for the items I design and sell:

This is an item that I develop in-house. 20% of the purchase of this item goes to charity.

This is what I have done with that 20%. Thank you for your support!


For several months– especially towards the beginning of the pandemic– I have been involved with producing Personal Protection Equipment for Make4Covid. From their website:

Make4Covid is a growing coalition of volunteers designing, manufacturing and distributing essential equipment for Colorado’s health care workers and first responders in this time of crisis. Our members come from all walks of life. We are makers, designers, artists and engineers, hobbyists and professionals, from across the state of Colorado and beyond, all united in our common purpose.

During the beginning of the pandemic, I had the opportunity to produce 156 bands for face shields. This represents over 300 hours of printing time- Not bad for one guy on the 3D printer in his basement! The filament was donated by filament producers and disributed through Make4Covid or came from my personal supplies. Once completed, a majority of the face shield parts were given to local hospitals and medical clinics through Make4Covid. Some parts made their way to the Navajo Nation through the outstanding effort of friends.

If you have the time and ability, Make4Covid is still involved in producing cloth face masks- get involved!

Black Lives Matter

With Philaminar proceeds I was able to make donations to two deserving causes: Southern Poverty Law Center and Black Girls Code. I encourage you to check out their websites and see how you can help, too!

Southern Poverty Law Center

From their website:

The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the SPLC works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality.

Black Girls Code

From their website:

Our Vision: To increase the number of women of color in the digital space by empowering girls of color ages 7 to 17 to become innovators in STEM fields, leaders in their communities, and builders of their own futures through exposure to computer science and technology. To provide African-American youth with the skills to occupy some of the 1.4 million computing job openings expected to be available in the U.S. by 2020, and to train 1 million girls by 2040.

Future Giving

Time will only tell what kind of challenges present themselves in the second half of 2020. If you have any ideas about ways that Philaminar 3D Printing can help a good cause, let me know! Email me at: contact (at) philaminar (dot) com

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