For the Kids- Pokemon in Poke-ball Easter Eggs

An extra little Easter treat for my kids.

Just so we didn’t have crying kids on Easter this year, we told the Easter bunny to take it easy on the basket hiding. Since we didn’t get to do an Easter egg hunt (thanks, COVID…), I wanted to give them something to hunt for, though.

I found some Pokemon eggs already available online. I modified the button to have the initials for each kid.

Poke balls shaped like Easter eggs sitting on a black table.
Eggs on the table

And then I printed some Pokemon to go inside:


I did an okay(-ish) job painting them, but I think they turned out well! The kids seem to think they’re pretty cool.


This was all done in PLA.

The eggs were printed in Hatchbox White, 3D Solutech Black, and Dikale Red. They’re alright.

The stars of the show were the Atomic Filament Golden Blood Diamond Translucent, Rose Gold Metallic Translucent, and Indigo Golden Sparkle Translucent filament used for the Pokemon. They look amazing and are great to print with!


Jigglypuff model by we3duk

Gengar by 3demon

Charmander by Flowalistik

Easter Ball by SuperBeasti

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